On the seventh day with baby, my doula gave to me
She helped me find resources.
She helped me with my feelings.
5 freezer meals!
4 loads of laundry!
3 hours of napping!
She helped me feed my baby.
And she sat down and listened to me.
What do you need to function better today? Do you have the support you need? What's in your way of getting it?
Postpartum doulas are always on the lookout for resources and services in the community. So if you're having trouble, big or small, you don't have to start from scratch looking for help.
Physical pain? I can give you number for a great physical therapist or chiropractor! Overwhelmed by anxiety? I know people who are experts on treating that too. Not sure breastfeeding is going right? I know who you can call!
And it's not just mother-baby-body specific resources. Postpartum doulas can connect you to food banks, shelters, community centers, and classes. We're familiar with the entire landscape of services and resources.
So what do you need today? Tell your doula.
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